
Showing posts from September, 2017

Welcome to Jimmy Cooks Stuff!

Hey folks! My name is James Nordlund. I am a writer, musician, and, most importantly as it pertains to the blog you are currently checking out, a cook. As someone who is inclined to use my knowledge of food and cooking methods to be inventive in my recipes and open to learning new things in the culinary world, I am personally not much of an advocate of the mass hysteria in using platforms such as Pinterest to decide what to cook. That said, this is only because I feel comfortable in my abilities to do things my way in the kitchen and of course I will use such apps/sites to get ideas for my own creations. I also understand that not everyone has had as much time to hone their craft as I have, so I do not look down on such activity. In this light, I decided if you can't beat them, join them! So I will be using this blog to get my food and recipes out there for You to either use verbatim or, as I would, general guidelines for You to make your own variant creations! Braised Beef Sh